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Middle Schooler Freebird Registration


This is a reduced rate for Middle Schoolers that don't expect to start with the club until the end of March.

This season runs from March 4 through the end of May and is open to wrestlers ages 8-18. There are practice opportunities, strength training, and cross training with styles like jujitsu. We will go to player optional tournaments tournaments affiliated with Washington State Wrestling Association. Contact us if you are on a Northshore Meal Plan and we will discuss scholarship opportunities.

All kids need to have a USA Wrestling card by the first day of practice. All coaches must have a USA Wrestling Leader Card. See here for more details.

Tentative Schedule:

  • Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-8PM - Freestyle and Greco - Coach Taylor and Assistant Coaches - 4:30 will be younger kids, older kids will start later (maybe 6PM)
  • Monday and/or Wednesday - We will seek to have a third practice every week on one of these days - 4:30 will be younger kids, older kids will start later (maybe 6PM)
  • Saturdays there will be Freestyle and Greco Tournaments that are optional (but encouraged) - usually 8AM - 3PM - Each tournament is usually 30-45 dollars to enter - USA Wrestling Card Required - kids that play other sports can still attend tournaments even if they miss practice.
  • Sundays we will have either no practice, a clinic by one of our guest coaches, or a field trip to explore other grappling such as jujitsu, judo, etc.

There are no requirements for practice attendance. Kids can come to as many or as few as their schedule permits.


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USA Wrestling Card
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